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Questions to ask while evaluating a new project

Does my excitement outweigh my hesitations?

Who benefits financially or reputationally from my work?

Does this project have the potential, if successful, of helping me succeed in my personal mission?

Does this project make the world better? What does it meaningfully change?

How likely is it to succeed, given the top-down trends, the team, and available resources? Is it worth trying anyway?

Who is the user or customer? Can you describe them or picture them?

Is the culture of the team empathetic, blame-free, and inclusive?

Why was it started? For personal gain or something bigger?

If there are already people on the team, why did they join? If there are existing investors or backers, why did they make that choice?

Why me? Why this team?

Does this project fit in with my life and life plan?

Can I grow here? Can everyone?

Will I be happy and healthy while working on this project? Will everyone?

Will I be respected? Will everyone?

Is it financially viable for me? Is it financially viable for everyone?

Is this team equitable and diverse? Do the answers to these questions reflect this?

If working on this project replaces working on another project, are the answers to these questions markedly better on this one?

After asking these questions, does my excitement still outweigh my hesitations?

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