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Open Source Veteran Launches Skyseed - First Ecosystem Fund and Incubator for the Bluesky AT Protocol


Really fascinating play:

"Open Source veteran entrepreneur Peter Wang today launches Skyseed Fund, the world's first venture fund and incubator focused exclusively on Bluesky and its open ecosystem."

Peter has been involved in decentralized social networking for a long time. There's $1M in committed capital here, which is small, but at the same time, not nothing! I'd really love to see the deck (mostly to understand how they see the upside playing out) and understand who the LPs are.

This isn't just for VC moonshots, either:

"Skyseed offers traditional venture-style pre-seed terms but will also fund projects that can graduate into more sustainable for-profit or cooperative business models. Additionally, Skyseed has reserved a portion of capital for pure development grants. This is the first tranche of funding, and the goal is growth."

Do I wish there was something like this for ActivityPub? Absolutely. But any kind of investment in decentralized social networking is great to see, in my opinion. I'm really curious (and quite encouraged) to see where this goes.


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© Ben Werdmuller
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