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Judith Butler, philosopher: ‘If you sacrifice a minority like trans people, you are operating within a fascist logic’

[Iker Seisdedos interviewing Judith Butler in EL PAÍS English]

Judith Butler is as on-point as ever:

"Q. It wasn’t just Trumpism. Some Democratic voices say it’s time to move beyond the issue of trans rights in areas like sports, which affect very few people.

A. You could say that about the Jews, Black people or Haitians, or any very vulnerable minority. Once you decide that a single vulnerable minority can be sacrificed, you’re operating within a fascist logic, because that means there might be a second one you’re willing to sacrifice, and a third, a fourth, and then what happens?"

This is exactly it. I've also heard voices say that there should have been less discussion of racial equity: less Black Lives Matter, less 1619 Project, less discussion of systemic inequality. It's nonsense, and as Butler says, it's a road that leads us down an inevitably fascist path.

The whole interview is very much worth your time: nuanced and well-considered.


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© Ben Werdmuller
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