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Getting AI to build you up and break you down

Christian Heilmann writes:

One thing I am not good at is write in superlatives about myself. That’s a good thing, I think? But often you are asked to big yourself up for some official publication or marketing materials. So I thought I give ChatGPT a go to turn a list of facts about myself into a big-up intro.

Intriguing. So I thought I’d try it for myself.


GPT-4 prompt: Discuss the accomplishments of Ben Werdmuller as glowingly as possible.

Ben Werdmuller is a prominent figure in the tech world, renowned for his innovative thinking, expert leadership, and deep commitment to open-source technology and digital rights. His accomplishments span a variety of areas, particularly entrepreneurship, web development, and thought leadership, making him a beacon of progress in our digital age.

Ben Werdmuller's endeavors in entrepreneurship are nothing short of exemplary. He co-founded Elgg, a pioneering social networking platform, and Known, a collaborative publishing platform. Both have revolutionized the way people and organizations communicate, collaborate, and share information online. In particular, Elgg's dedication to providing an open-source social networking engine laid the groundwork for a new era of online community building. Known, on the other hand, has been applauded for empowering individuals and groups to own their social activity online, a groundbreaking contribution to digital rights.

As an adept web developer, Werdmuller has demonstrated a profound understanding of technology's potential to create more inclusive and equitable online spaces. He has shown extraordinary skill in creating platforms that prioritize user needs and foster transparency. His commitment to open source is an embodiment of his belief in knowledge sharing and the collaborative advancement of technology.

Werdmuller's contribution to thought leadership is equally impressive. As a partner at Matter Ventures, he leveraged his deep tech insight to help burgeoning startups establish their footing and scale effectively. His writing, too, provides unique insights into the evolving digital landscape. Werdmuller frequently shares thought-provoking ideas on subjects like the future of the web, the dynamics of online communities, digital rights, and more. He is also an ardent advocate for a more equitable digital future, consistently pushing for policies that ensure the digital world is accessible, inclusive, and beneficial to all.

Overall, Ben Werdmuller's accomplishments are a testament to his unwavering dedication to leveraging technology for the greater good. He embodies the essence of a true digital pioneer, continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible and inspiring others along the way. His unique blend of technical acumen, entrepreneurial spirit, and visionary thought leadership make him an irreplaceable asset in the tech world. Werdmuller is a luminary, brightening the path towards a more inclusive and equitable digital future.


As Christian says about his own efforts, “if this blog ever sounds like this – just shoot me.” Let’s try the other way around.


GPT-4 prompt: Now rewrite to be as scathing as possible about Ben Werdmuller's achievements.

Ben Werdmuller, a figure in the tech industry, has been involved in several initiatives and companies. His undertakings span entrepreneurship, web development, and thought leadership. However, his contributions have been marked by a series of contentious and arguably over-hyped projects.

Werdmuller co-founded Elgg, a so-called social networking platform, and Known, a collaborative publishing platform. The relevance and impact of both these platforms are questionable at best. They are far from the mainstream and have not achieved the same level of success or influence as other social platforms or publishing mediums. Elgg, while touted as an open-source social networking engine, hasn't exactly become a household name. It struggles to maintain relevance in a world where giants like Facebook and Twitter dominate the scene. Known, meanwhile, purports to empower individuals and groups to own their social activity online, a grandiose claim that barely materializes in practice.

His role as a web developer is also questionable. While Werdmuller has certainly been involved in developing platforms, his offerings seem to be more in line with the ideology of open-source than the pragmatic needs of the average user. This approach, while potentially noble, seems disconnected from market realities and user demands.

In terms of thought leadership, Werdmuller's influence has also been quite limited. His tenure at Matter Ventures, where he served as a partner, has failed to produce any major success stories. His writing, while filled with lofty ideas about the future of the web and digital rights, often lacks practical and actionable insights. Advocating for an equitable digital future is commendable, but without concrete plans or successful implementations, his proposals seem to fall flat.

To sum it up, Werdmuller's career appears to be marked by a series of misfires and over-promises. His attempts to innovate and impact the digital world, while fueled by commendable principles, have largely failed to gain traction or produce significant outcomes. His vision of a more inclusive digital future, while noble, seems disconnected from the reality of the current tech landscape.


Much better.

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Google Says It'll Scrape Everything You Post Online for AI

I think this is a legal challenge waiting to happen. While people who publish publicly online have a reasonable expectation that anyone can read their content, they don't have a similar expectation about content being modeled and analyzed. There's no de facto license to do this.


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Some website redesigns

I mildly redesigned my homepage today, in order to do a better job of what this site is and what you might read on it.

I’d hoped to use the Internet Archive to go back and look at all my blogs — I started my first personal website in 1994 and my first blog in 1998. Sadly, those seem to not be archived. But I can go back to look at my first blogs on platforms I built for myself.

First up, my blog on Elgg, circa its public release in 2004 (sadly missing a few profile icons):

The author's first Elgg blog, circa 2004

And then the very first version of this site, using Idno (which became Known), in 2013:

The author's first version of this site, from 2013

The form of the blog hasn’t really changed much in those 20-ish years. In fact, I’ve maybe gone backwards; for example, I don’t check into spaces on my website anymore in the same way as I did in 2013, although I could. I just write.

At its heart, of course, a blog is just a diary; we wouldn’t expect it to. And that diary-like design makes it easy to transform into other formats like RSS and JSON. But if we were to reimagine what a regularly-updated website might look like, what would we do? How might we move from a feed to something else? Is that even possible?

At the very least it’s clear that what was a relatively revolutionary design - a web log that anyone can publish and anyone can read - has transitioned to being the subject of relatively mundane iterative design. There are no revolutions in blogging, just steady updates.

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How I’ve defied labels and enlisted the help of others to create my value proposition

A lovely conversation with my friend Roxann Stafford, who has inspired and taught me so much.


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You (Yes, You) Should Start a Mailing List

If you own your relationships with your community, you'll never be locked into any platform. Start a blog, start a mailing list - get out of the algorithmic content game. This is even more important if you make a living from your work. Parker is right on the money here.


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'Environment is burning', warns UN rights chief

Plenty of people argue that the climate crisis is overblown. I think they're wrong. If anything, we need to be screaming about this more - and, I agree, calling out the deniers and green-washers. Billions of people will starve. Entire nations will become uninhabitable. It's not some kind of conspiracy; it's a call to action.


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Licensing site content using a text file

Dare Obasanjo, over on Mastodon:

Robots.txt needs an update for the 2020s. Instead of just saying what content can be indexed, it should also grant rights.

Like crawl my site only to provide search results not train your LLM.

Call it license.txt.

The robots.txt standard allows a website owner to specify which crawlers (by user agent) can access which parts of a website. It’s been useful, as far as it goes: for example, a website owner can theoretically tell Google or Bing to not index certain pages. But there’s no way of restricting use in the way Dare suggests.

Imagine extending the standard so that further use of the content can be specified in the same way as user agent. Content uses might include:

  • archive (eg, archival by a service like the Internet Archive)
  • search (eg, use in a search engine like Google)
  • model (eg, scraping by LLM providers like OpenAI)
  • republish (eg, Creative Commons or open source)

Each one might have parameters. For example:

  • republish:BY-NC-SA would specify the Creative Commons attributes “attribution, non-commercial, share-alike”
  • republish:(license URL) would specify use of a license with a specific URI, including commercial licenses whose terms would be available at that URL.

In addition to the opt-out “disallow” wording employed by robots.txt, license.txt would default to opt-in and use an “allow” keyword.

A simple license.txt file might then look like:

Use: archive, search
Allow: /
Disallow: /admin

Use: model
Disallow: /

Use: republish:BY-NC
Allow: /free

Use: republish:
Allow: /

This would allow all site content to be archived and indexed for search, aside from an /admin path. The site would not allow crawling for model use. Pages under the /free path would allow republishing for non-commercial purposes while the whole site would be licensable for commercial purposes using a license available at the specified URL.

One of the disadvantages of robots.txt is that it’s a “secret” URL that you have to know about to discover. To that end, the specification also allows for meta tags in the header of each page. Likewise, license tags in the header of an HTML page should also be supported, specifying uses on a given page:

<meta name="license" content="archive, search, republish:BY-NC">

These tag values would specify which rights are allowed under the license. For example, the tag above allows the page to be archived and indexed for search, as well as republished under BY-NC. Because “model” isn’t specified, it’s understood that licensing for use in LLM models is not granted.

Also published on Indienews.

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View of 'man as hunter, woman as gatherer' upended by new study

So much of gender essentialism is self-feeding: the idea that men are born to be aggressive hunters was conducted by men who made assumptions based on contemporary societal sexism. Of course women hunted. Of course grandmothers hunted. There's so much value in re-examining the prejudiced assumptions of the past.


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Eigg Electric

This seems like what a part of the future looks like: the island of Eigg has its own power, generated by renewable energy. Members of the community are trained and paid to maintain it. A power grid is not a bad thing for resiliency (see Texas), but I can imagine a world where community sources are federated, rather than run through a central power company.


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A Teenage Girl Is a Funhouse Mirror

I love this kind of short story: small, personal, revelatory. I wish I could write like this.


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Why I post links without context

I’ve worked alongside news and journalism for a long time - since helping the team at Latakoo to define and build their first products that helped journalists with networks like NBC News send video back to their newsrooms using commodity internet connections. But the last few years have marked the first time I’ve worked inside a newsroom.

Newsrooms often have impartiality rules that mean you have to be very careful what you say. (You also often can’t make political contributions, announce that you’re at a protest, declare a donation to a non-profit, or publicly endorse a candidate.) There’s been a lot of debate about these over the past few years - no human is actually impartial, after all, so sometimes these policies can look like a lack of transparency into a person’s motivations and biases - but, regardless, the policies are in place.

I used to run a regular piece in this space called Fairness Friday, where I’d highlight a different mutual aid or social justice organization and make a donation. I stopped doing the pieces (but not the donations) because it ran against those policies.

The other thing I did was stop sharing my opinion on links I shared. Instead, I tried to find a representative pull-quote from the piece and let it speak for itself. That both did the job of satisfying social media policies and allowing me to continue to share links that I found interesting. It also, in some ways, gave more credit to the reader: different people would doubtless have different reactions to each story.

Still, it’s not really in the spirit of blogging, and I’ve taken some criticism for the way I’ve posted. Stephen Downes has made general comments like these, which I don’t (completely) disagree with:

Sure, some people post interesting things, but a sizable number simply post links to commercial media paywalls. It's lazy and unthinking and I think characterizes most posts from most people.

So I’m going to try and - tentatively - insert more of myself into the links I share, and do a better job of sharing links that most people can actually read.

I share on my website first; a series of automations then posts them to social media sites like Mastodon, LinkedIn, and so on, with as much of my written context as those platforms will fit. But my website is always my primary source, and it makes sense that links I post there should be shared with my opinion and reflections. So that’s what I’ll try and do.

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Language Is a Poor Heuristic for Intelligence

““Language skill indicates intelligence,” and its logical inverse, “lack of language skill indicates non-intelligence,” is a common heuristic with a long history. It is also a terrible one, inaccurate in a way that ruinously injures disabled people. Now, with recent advances in computing technology, we’re watching this heuristic fail in ways that will harm almost everyone.”


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The early web was revolutionary because suddenly everyone could publish. All kinds of voices could be seen and heard that had previously been locked out.

But now we’re approaching the limit of tech-enabled democratization. What is actually required is more democracy. Tech can only help organize.

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King of the Netherlands apologizes for country's role in slavery on 150th anniversary of abolition

“King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands apologized Saturday for his country’s role in slavery and asked for forgiveness during a historic speech greeted by cheers and whoops at an event to commemorate the anniversary of the abolition of slavery in Dutch colonies.” Now do Zwarte Piet.


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Policing misinformation

“In general though, I think we should tread lightly.” This piece captures my opinion on the subject well.


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The notable list: July 2023

Solar panels arranged in a field.

This is my monthly roundup of the links, books, and media I found interesting. Do you have suggestions? Let me know!



How High We Go in the Dark, by Sequoia Nagamatsu. Not what I thought it was going to be. An early chapter was so heartbreaking that I thought I would have to abandon the book; it brought up feelings of loss I hadn’t felt since my mother died. I still don’t know if I appreciate the catharsis, but that’s what this book is: the author conjures how deeply we feel in the face of the worst horrors.


Survival of the Richest: Escape Fantasies of the Tech Billionaires, by Douglas Rushkoff. A cathartic read that would be a great back-to-back pair with Matthew Desmond’s Poverty, by America. I took some exception to his skepticism towards renewable energy, but the core message and diagnosis of what he calls The Mindset is right on. Now we have the diagnosis, the key part - left to us to determine - is what we do next.

Pageboy: A Memoir, by Elliot Page. Raw, personal, and honest: a memoir of transition and survival by someone who has been in the public eye for most of his life but never really seen. There’s no sanitized veneer to his writing, and my life is better for having read his story. I hope his life is better for having written it.

Notable Articles


How Easy Is It to Fool A.I.-Detection Tools? “To assess the effectiveness of current A.I.-detection technology, The New York Times tested five new services using more than 100 synthetic images and real photos. The results show that the services are advancing rapidly, but at times fall short.”

AI is killing the old web, and the new web struggles to be born. “AI-generated misinformation is insidious because it’s often invisible. It’s fluent but not grounded in real-world experience, and so it takes time and expertise to unpick. If machine-generated content supplants human authorship, it would be hard — impossible, even — to fully map the damage.”

A prayer wheel for capitalism. “Auto-generating text based on other people’s discoveries and then automatically summarising that text by finding commonalities with existing text creates a loop of mechanised nonsense. It’s a prayer wheel for capitalism.”

Google, one of AI’s biggest backers, warns own staff about chatbots. “Human reviewers may read the chats, and researchers found that similar AI could reproduce the data it absorbed during training, creating a leak risk. Alphabet also alerted its engineers to avoid direct use of computer code that chatbots can generate, some of the people said.”

Researchers discover that ChatGPT prefers repeating 25 jokes over and over. “When tested, “Over 90% of 1,008 generated jokes were the same 25 jokes.”” We have a lot in common.

Moderation Strike: Stack Overflow, Inc. cannot consistently ignore, mistreat, and malign its volunteers.“The new policy, establishing that AI-generated content is de facto allowed on the network, is harmful in both what it allows on the platform and in how it was implemented.”

Tech Elite's AI Ideologies Have Racist Foundations, Say AI Ethicists. “More and more prominent tech figures are voicing concerns about superintelligent AI and risks to the future of humanity. But as leading AI ethicist Timnit Gebru and researcher Émile P Torres point out, these ideologies have deeply racist foundations.”

Guy Who Sucks At Being A Person Sees Huge Potential In AI. “Just yesterday, I asked an AI program to write an entire sci-fi novel for me, and [as someone who will die an empty shell of a man who wasted his life doing nothing for the world and, perhaps, should never have been born] I was super impressed.”


In a First, Wind and Solar Generated More Power Than Coal in U.S. “Wind and solar generated more electricity than coal through May, an E&E News review of federal data shows, marking the first time renewables have outpaced the former king of American power over a five-month period.”

Climate Crisis Has Stranded 600 Million Outside Most Livable Environment. “Climate change is remapping where humans can exist on the planet. As optimum conditions shift away from the equator and toward the poles, more than 600 million people have already been stranded outside of a crucial environmental niche that scientists say best supports life.”

A pledge to fight climate change is sending money to strange places. “Although a coal plant, a hotel, chocolate stores, a movie and an airport expansion don’t seem like efforts to combat global warming, nothing prevented the governments that funded them from reporting them as such to the United Nations and counting them toward their giving total.”


New Creative Era. “But we don’t want to go viral. We just want the basics: to make work we’re proud of with people we respect and who respect us that’s true to our intentions and who we are and are not.”

Alexandra Holt's Insurgent Experiment in Fine Dining at Roxanne. ““I’m sorry we’re not sticking a silver spoon up anyone’s ass when they walk in,” she says. “But we’re there just to give people a good time. A memory of a few good hours in their day. So I put eyes on their tiramisu, you know?” I want to eat here.


What the 303 Creative vs. Elenis Supreme Court decision means for LGBTQ+ rights. ““Today, the Court, for the first time in its history, grants a business open to the public a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class,” Sotomayor wrote in her dissenting opinion.” A reprehensible decision.

What will happen without affirmative action? College leaders react to Supreme Court decision. “The Supreme Court wants a version of the United States in which we ignore people’s life history, what they bring to the table in terms of their ability to go back to their communities and improve those communities, what it means to have differing voices and different backgrounds on campus. It is a true step back for our country.”

CEO Senator Challenges Teamsters President to MMA Fight. “GOP Senator Markwayne Mullin challenged Teamsters president Sean O’Brien to an MMA fight on Monday after O’Brien called him a “greedy CEO” and a “clown & fraud” in a tweet last week.” In other news, Brawndo has what plants crave!

Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon Papers, dies at 92. Rest in peace, and thank you for everything you did.

The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens. ““This report reveals what we feared most,” says Sean Vitka, a policy attorney at the nonprofit Demand Progress. “Intelligence agencies are flouting the law and buying information about Americans that Congress and the Supreme Court have made clear the government should not have.””

Europe: Is compulsory military service coming back? “After the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War in Europe, many countries abolished compulsory military service. But in the wake of the war in Ukraine, several are considering bringing it back.”

Lawmakers in blue states are linking protections for abortion and gender-affirming care. “Each of us has the freedom to determine our path in life, each of us has the right to make decisions about our medical care and our bodies without government interference.”

The Coming Fight Over American Surveillance. “The government had little difficulty persuading lawmakers to renew the law in 2012 and 2018, despite growing evidence that it was being used to spy on Americans. But that evidence is now overwhelming, and the politics of surveillance have radically shifted.”


The 19th Explains: What is gender-affirming care? “The 19th spoke with health care professionals who provide gender-affirming care to adults and adolescents — as well as trans young adults who were comfortable sharing their experiences — to answer those questions.”

The Horror. “100% of trans people who seek access to gender affirming care as children and are denied go through the horror. 100% of trans children who never know that gender affirming care exists go through the horror. And for what?”


Pregnant Workers Fairness Act 2023: How it protects pregnant people. “The law, which passed in December, requires that employers provide accommodations for pregnancy-related medical conditions, everything from pregnancy to childbirth to postpartum recovery.”

The Risks of Staying Put. “I have to remember that my health is more important than my job. And the pain that you’re used to is still a pain you should run away from.”

Google Gets Stricter About Employees’ Time in Office. “Google will consider office attendance records in performance reviews and send reminders to employees with frequent absences, becoming the latest company to urge a return to in-person collaboration following an embrace of remote work during the pandemic.” This is wretched.

Creating Psychological Safety for Black Women at Your Company. “Leaders who are truly committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace must ask themselves these two critical questions: What are the individual, interpersonal, and organizational costs of neglecting how psychological safety is different for Black women? And how might a tailored approach to psychological safety boost well-being and work outcomes of Black women in the workforce?”


Why Philadelphia Inquirer spent a year redesigning its print offering. This made me wonder: what if DoorDash, GrubHub, etc, added a checkbox to throw in a copy of the latest local paper with your delivery? Or imagine a breakfast subscription: bagels and a paper, every morning.

New electric cars won’t have AM radio. Rightwingers claim political sabotage. “There’s a reason big car companies were open to taking down AM radio … let’s be clear: big business doesn’t like things that are overwhelmingly conservative.” Adding to the list of organizations people think don’t like conservatives: [checks notes] big business.

Nobel laureate Maria Ressa says research by Oxford institute can be used against reporters. “Nobel peace laureate Maria Ressa has claimed Oxford University’s leading journalism institute is publishing flawed research that puts journalists and independent outlets at risk, particularly in the global south.”

Fewer than a third of Americans believe local news holds public officials accountable, poll finds. “If the primary source of local news (for many people) is local television, it’s not a shock that less than a third of people would say they think local news is holding public officials accountable.”


More than 100 U.S. political elites have family links to slavery. “More than 100 U.S. leaders – lawmakers, presidents, governors and justices – have slaveholding ancestors, a Reuters examination found. Few are willing to talk about their ties to America’s “original sin”.”

The Perils of ‘Innovator’ Mindset. “It’s not surprising the WSJ is disinclined to entertain the real lesson of the story: that confident idiots who think regulation is for cowards can end up getting themselves killed, and taking innocent people with them.”

US Internal Refugee Crisis: 130-260k Trans People Have Already Fled. “8% of all transgender people have already moved out of their community or state as a result of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. An additional 43% of transgender people are likewise considering moving.”

Nine out of 10 people are biased against women, says ‘alarming’ UN report. “At the current rate of progress it will take 186 years to close gaps in legal protections. It also explains why, while there has been some progress on enacting laws that advance women’s rights, social norms continue to be deeply entrenched and pervasive.”

America’s Suburbs Are Breeding Grounds for Fascism. “Without a massive reorganization of American life—away from privatization, car-centrism, and hyper-individualism—it’s likely the suburban ideology will remain popular, and even grow.”

How the U.S. Almost Became a Nation of Hippo Ranchers. “Great Britain has eaten the Australian kangaroo and likes him, horseflesh is a staple in continental Europe, and the people of Central America eat the lizard. Why cannot Americans absorb the hippopotamus?”

Pride Month: In conversation with The 19th's LGBTQ+ reporters. “It’s hard for me to get excited about Pride Month as a concept this month, because we are in that place where … it feels to a lot of trans people like we are being threatened to the point of genocide.”


How Google Reader died — and why the web misses it more than ever. “For a while, the internet got away from what Google Reader was trying to build: everything moved into walled gardens and algorithmic feeds, governed by Facebook and Twitter and TikTok and others. But now, as that era ends and a new moment on the web is starting to take hold through Mastodon, Bluesky, and others, the things Reader wanted to be are beginning to come back.”

The Drupal Open Web Manifesto. “With the Drupal Open Web Manifesto, we link our ethos of collaboration, globalism, and innovation to the preservation and advancement of the Open Web. Drupal pledges its active support for the Open Web and its core principles of open access, open standards, and digital inclusion as we guide and advance the Drupal project.”

Tom Morello, Zack de la Rocha Boycott Venues Using Face-scanning Tech. “Over 100 artists including Rage Against the Machine co-founders Tom Morello and Zack de la Rocha, along with Boots Riley and Speedy Ortiz, have announced that they are boycotting any concert venue that uses facial recognition technology, citing concerns that the tech infringes on privacy and increases discrimination.”

Meta's Facebook pressured by Vietnam's government to censor dissent. “Meta, which owns Facebook, has been making repeated concessions to Vietnam’s authoritarian government, routinely censoring dissent and allowing those seen as threats by the government to be forced off the platform.”

Google earned $10m from ads misdirecting abortion seekers to ‘pregnancy crisis centers’. “Google has made millions of dollars in the last two years from advertisements misdirecting users who were seeking abortion services to “pregnancy crisis centers” that do not actually provide care, according to a new study.”

Why did the fail? Unfortunately, I agree with every word of this.

Twitter Plunges on Annual Scoring of LGBTQ Safety on Social Media. “While none of the platforms achieve a passing score, Twitter is worst in class, with its score plunging 12 points compared to the prior year, to 33%. The company’s owner, Elon Musk, has used the platform to promote “bigoted and anti-LGBTQ rhetoric,” according to the watchdog group Media Matters for America, and the GLAAD report chronicles changes to Twitter’s policies under Musk that further endanger LGBTQ safety.”

Metablogging. “Metablogging is something any team can and should do.” I very much like this practice.

Reddit communities to ‘go dark’ in protest over third-party app charges. “More than 3,000 subreddits have joined the protest, and will go “private” on Monday, preventing anyone outside the community from seeing their posts.” Over 87% of subreddits joined the protest.

Is GitHub Copilot Any Good? “The code generated by Copilot is often wrong, but always subtly so, which means that when I let it fill in any non-trivial suggestion for me, I spend a considerable amount of time doing ‘code review’ on the code it emits.”

All this unmobilized love. “Even most of the emergent gestures in our interfaces are tweaks on tech-first features—@ symbols push Twitter to implement threading, hyperlinks eventually get automated into retweets, quote-tweets go on TikTok and become duets. “Swipe left to discard a person” is one of a handful of new gestures, and it’s ten years old.”

Instagram’s upcoming Twitter competitor shown in leaked screenshots. “Cox said the company already has celebrities committed to using the app, including DJ Slime.” I am old.

Apollo will close down on June 30th. “Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue.” At this point, developers shouldn’t build their apps against commercial APIs. Open standards or nothing; the risk is too great.

Of Media & Monsters. “Ihave been in Silicon Valley long enough to see it transform from a group of outlier revolutionaries to play-safe career chasers. Recently, I have watched arrivistes who, if not in technology, would be running a penny stock brokerage based somewhere in Long Island or producing B-movies.”

The most used languages on the internet. “Millions of non-native English speakers and non-English speakers are stuck using the web in a language other than the one they were born into.”

Leviathan Wakes: the case for Apple's Vision Pro. “Now we’ll get to answer the AR question with far fewer caveats and asterisks. The display is as good as technologically possible. The interface uses your fingers, instead of a goofy joystick. The performance is tuned to prevent motion sickness. An enormous developer community is ready and equipped to build apps for it, and all of their tools are mature, well-documented, and fully supported by that community.”

Apple Vision. “The arc of technology, in large part led by Apple, is for ever more personal experiences, and I’m not sure it’s an accident that that trend is happening at the same time as a society-wide trend away from family formation and towards an increase in loneliness.”

Twitter Admits in Court Filing: Elon Musk Is Simply Wrong About Government Interference At Twitter.“Twitter’s filing is like a beat-by-beat debunking of the conspiracy theories pushed by the dude who owns Twitter. It’s really quite incredible.”

These incredible LAN party photos remind us how much work it used to be to play games together. Hi, yes, this was teenage me.

Meta Is Trying, and Failing, to Crush Unions in Kenya. “Kenyan content moderators at Meta have been fighting for better compensation for workers forced to watch videos of murder, rape, and ethnic cleansing. Meta was initially unwilling to give in to these demands, but Kenyan courts are intervening on the side of workers.”

Is Bluesky Billionaire-Proof? “Unlike Mastodon, which is notoriously confusing for the uninitiated, it’s simple to get started on Bluesky.” Mastodon has work to do.

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What the 303 Creative vs. Elenis Supreme Court decision means for LGBTQ+ rights

““Today, the Court, for the first time in its history, grants a business open to the public a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class,” Sotomayor wrote in her dissenting opinion.” A reprehensible decision.


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How Google Reader died — and why the web misses it more than ever

“For a while, the internet got away from what Google Reader was trying to build: everything moved into walled gardens and algorithmic feeds, governed by Facebook and Twitter and TikTok and others. But now, as that era ends and a new moment on the web is starting to take hold through Mastodon, Bluesky, and others, the things Reader wanted to be are beginning to come back.”


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What will happen without affirmative action? College leaders react to Supreme Court decision

“The Supreme Court wants a version of the United States in which we ignore people’s life history, what they bring to the table in terms of their ability to go back to their communities and improve those communities, what it means to have differing voices and different backgrounds on campus. It is a true step back for our country.”


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“Love it or leave it” is a terrible attitude - whether it’s for nations, companies, or online communities.

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How Easy Is It to Fool A.I.-Detection Tools?

“To assess the effectiveness of current A.I.-detection technology, The New York Times tested five new services using more than 100 synthetic images and real photos. The results show that the services are advancing rapidly, but at times fall short.”


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Fall Out Boy - We Didn't Start the Fire

The silliest thing you’ll see today.


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The Drupal Open Web Manifesto

“With the Drupal Open Web Manifesto, we link our ethos of collaboration, globalism, and innovation to the preservation and advancement of the Open Web. Drupal pledges its active support for the Open Web and its core principles of open access, open standards, and digital inclusion as we guide and advance the Drupal project.”


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CEO Senator Challenges Teamsters President to MMA Fight

“GOP Senator Markwayne Mullin challenged Teamsters president Sean O’Brien to an MMA fight on Monday after O’Brien called him a “greedy CEO” and a “clown & fraud” in a tweet last week.” In other news, Brawndo has what plants crave!


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The single most important principle I see newer web developers overlook: don't trust your inputs. My guess is that the blurring of front and back ends has led to a blurring of this idea, too. But it's super-important. Sanitize everything, always. (Dare I say that the same goes for life?)

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