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Far-Right Extremists Embrace Environmentalism to Justify Violent Anti-Immigrant Beliefs

[Abrahm Lustgarten at ProPublica]

"For a generation, conservatives — not just the far right, which Crusius appeared to identify with — had propelled the notion that climate change was a hoax fabricated so the government could impose new restrictions on the economy and society. Yet Crusius hadn’t denied climate change at all. Instead, he seemed to claim its impacts were themselves arguments justifying his violence."

Abrahm Lustgarten has written a sobering piece about the far right's embrace of climate change as a root for anti-immigrant and eugenicist sentiments. We can see this playing out among conservative groups across the country: in a world where resources are becoming more scarce, preserving "white European ideals and beliefs" becomes a part of "preserving the purity of [America's] ecology".

Ecofascism has been with us for a long time, and unfortunately has long been a subset of climate movements. But as the planet heats up and climate discussions become less hypothetical and more immediate, these conversations are becoming louder, too.


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