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Bringing Quote Posts to Mastodon


Mastodon doesn't have quote posts, but is finally adding them after years of pressure. It's a harder decision than you might think - which is made clear by this excellent post by the team.

In order to help mitigate potential abuse, the team has imposed three main requirements:

  • You will be able to choose whether your posts can be quoted at all.
  • You will be notified when someone quotes you.
  • You will be able to withdraw your post from the quoted context at any time.

Some Mastodon clients fake support now by showing a post in a quoted context whenever it's linked to from another post, but this doesn't have any of the aforementioned properties, and therefore is more susceptible to abuse. And ActivityPub, as yet, doesn't have a great way to represent this either.

So it makes sense that it's taken a while: Mastodon wants to do it correctly to preserve community health, and do it in a standard way that other Fediverse participants can use, too.

I appreciate the transparency and approach. I'd love to see many more updates in this vein.


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© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0