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September, 2013

How #xoxofest and #indiewebcamp saved me, in a way.

For me, one of the most interesting aspects of #xoxofest was the humility on show from people like Evan Williams, Maciej Cheglowski and Cabel Sasser - people who, in my mind at least, have "made it", and should be happy, successful and singing on hillsides with butterflies. Instead, each of ...
September 25, 2013

The return of the crafty makers from the future is every bit what I hoped it would be #xoxofest

  Last year, I said this about #xoxofest: I’m excited by the people I already knew; I’m excited by the people I met for the first time and might never see again. The conversations stretched past midnight every night. Everyone was an equal participant, and the meaning of XOXO – literally, ...
September 22, 2013

Building a business is the best kind of engineering challenge

I distinctly remember saying, as a young developer a decade ago, that I didn't enjoy the business side of startups. I was very wrong. There is no other side to startups - and engineering a profitable business is at least as challenging and rewarding as creating anything else. Paul Graham's essay ...
September 17, 2013

The Internet Explorer 8 web developer's dilemma

Google Analytics has announced it will end IE8 support by the end of the year, following Google Apps, which ended support for the browser last November. Legacy browser support remains one of the hardest problems in web development. For years, Internet Explorer 6 was a bugbear, because enterprise applications were written ...
September 16, 2013

At last! Another male developer talks about sexism in tech.

1. I know that my mediumsplaining misogyny adds zero value, so consider this a personal vent rather than a serious attempt to contribute to the conversation. 2. There's a giant misogyny problem in tech, and in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've seen more catcalling here than anywhere else I've ever ...
September 10, 2013

Watches and glasses are small thinking

I'm less interested in smartwatches, glasses, and so on than the idea of intelligent screens that all connect to the same robot brain. So you can walk over to a window, or a phone, or a tablet or a computer or a fridge, and it knows it's you and you ...
September 4, 2013