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My (New) Daily Blog

[Om Malik]

This is an ongoing trend. Om Malik has now moved to sharing on his blog first rather than posting directly to social media:

"The inspiration for the newly rebooted “daily blog” comes from Dave Winer, who maintains a “Links” blog. I’ve been using his new project, Wordland, for publishing to the “links” blog, in addition to using MarsEdit. I have also taken a cue from Marc Weidenbaum. The plan is to use this as a permanent archive for everything I share on social media. From here, I’ll route information to relevant channels — mobile apps, social networks and RSS feeds. The experiment continues."

This is, of course, very much in line with indie web sensibilities. The more social media fragments and turns into a toxic place to be, the more people will carve out spaces that they truly own on the web. As well they should. I'm excited to see this; if you haven't made the leap to posting on your own site first yet, the best time to start is now.


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Reflections on 25 years of Interconnected

[Matt Webb]

I love this:

"Slowly, slowly, the web was taken over by platforms. Your feeling of success is based on your platform’s algorithm, which may not have your interests at heart. Feeding your words to a platform is a vote for its values, whether you like it or not. And they roach-motel you by owning your audience, making you feel that it’s a good trade because you get “discovery.” (Though I know that chasing popularity is a fool’s dream.)

Writing a blog on your own site is a way to escape all of that. Plus your words build up over time. That’s unique. Nobody else values your words like you do."

Fun fact: I started my first startup, the open source social networking platform Elgg, after my university employer told me, verbatim, "Blogging is for teenage girls crying in their bedrooms." I've been pro-blogging both long before and long after it was cool.

So sure, blogging might never be mainstream. But it can also be leading edge: a way to demonstrate what ownership can look like. A place to own your words by every definition of the word "own".

Everyone should have a blog. Everyone should write on their own terms. I want to read everyone's reflections; understand their worldviews from their perspectives, from a space that is truly theirs.

As Matt says:

"I evangelise blogging because it has been good to me.

[...] You should start a blog. Why? Because, well, haven’t I just been saying?"

There's no better time to start than now.


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Own what’s yours

[PJ Onori]

I can't disagree with anything here:

"Web 2.0 seemed like such a great idea in a more innocent time. We’re at a point where it’s only prudent to view third-parties as guilty until proven innocent. Not as some abstract, principled stance, but for our own direct benefit.

Now, more than ever, it’s critical to own your data. Really own it. Like, on your hard drive and hosted on your website. Ideally on your own server, but one step at a time."

We still have a lot of work to do to make this easier and cheaper. Owning your own domain costs money; running web hosting costs money. Not everyone can afford that, and this kind of self-sovereignty should be available to all: if only wealthy people can own their own stuff, the movement is meaningless.

But the principle is right. We are being exploited, locked down, pigeonholed, and forced into templates of someone else's making. We can do so much better.


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For Love of God, Make Your Own Website

[Gita Jackson at Aftermath]

I love a good treatise in favor of the indie web:

"Unfortunately, this is what all of the internet is right now: social media, owned by large corporations that make changes to them to limit or suppress your speech, in order to make themselves more attractive to advertisers or just pursue their owners’ ends. Even the best Twitter alternatives, like Bluesky, aren’t immune to any of this—the more you centralize onto one single website, the more power that website has over you and what you post there. More than just moving to another website, we need more websites."

Almost every single advance in my career, and many of the good things that have happened in my personal life, have come from writing on my own website over the years. It's both liberating and empowering to have your own platform - and anyone can build one.

And this is also true:

"“We were already long overdue for a return to websites we control, rather than feeds manipulated by tech oligarchs,” Molly White from Web3 Is Going Great! told me. “Now that they’ve made it clear how eager they are to help usher in authoritarianism, I think it will only become more painfully clear how important sovereign websites are to protecting information and free expression.”"

Want to start blogging? I made you a guide. Want to put up a website of any kind but don't know where to start? Show up at a Homebrew Website Club and say hello. There are so many ways to start, and so many ways to be online. Go get started.


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Making version noir

This is completely lovely: a responsive, noir-inspired personal homepage in the form of a comic. I'm inspired.


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The indieweb is for everyone

Hands joining together

Tantek Çelik has posted a lovely encapsulation of the indieweb:

The is for everyone, everyone who wants to be part of the world-wide-web of interconnected people. The social internet of people, a network of networks of people, connected peer-to-peer in human-scale groups, communities of locality and affinity.

This complements the more technical description on the indieweb homepage:

The IndieWeb is a community of independent and personal websites connected by open standards, based on the principles of: owning your domain and using it as your primary online identity, publishing on your own site first (optionally elsewhere), and owning your content.

I first came across the indieweb movement when I’d just moved to California. Tantek, Kevin Marks, Aaron Parecki, Amber Case, and a band of independent developers and designers were actively working to helping people own their own websites again, at a time when a lot of people were questioning why you wouldn’t just post on Twitter and Facebook. They gathered at IndieWebCamps in Portland, and at Homebrew Website Camp in San Francisco.

One could look at the movement as kind of a throwback to the very early web, which was a tapestry of wildly different sites and ideas, at a time when everybody’s online communications were templated through web services owned by a handful of billion dollar corporations. I’d prefer to think of it as a manifesto for diversity of communications, the freedom to share your knowledge and lived experiences on your own terms, and maintaining the independence of freedom of expression from business interests.

A decade and change later and the web landscape looks very different. It’s now clear to just about everyone that it’s harmful for all of our information to be filtered through a handful of services. From the Cambridge Analytica scandal through Facebook’s culpability in the genocide against the Rohingya people in Myanmar, it’s clear that allowing private businesses to own and control most of the ways we learn about the world around us is dangerous. And the examples keep piling up, story after story after story.

While these events have highlighted the dangers, the indieweb community has been highlighting the possibilities. The movement itself has grown from strength to strength: IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Clubs are now held all over the world. I’ve never made it to one of the European events – to my shame, it’s been years since I’ve even been able to make it to a US event – but the community is thriving and the outcomes have been productive.

Even before the advent of the fediverse, the indieweb community had built tools to allow websites to connect to each other as a kind of independent, decentralized social web. Webmention, in conjunction with lightweight microformats that extended HTML to provide semantic hints about the purpose of content on a website, allowed anyone to reply to any website article using a post on their own site – not just that, but they could RSVP to events, send a “like”, reshare it, or use verbs that don’t have analogies in the traditional social networks. The community also created micropub, a simple API that makes it easy to build tools to help people publish to their websites, and a handful of other technologies that are becoming more and more commonplace.

In the wake of the decline of Twitter, Google’s turn towards an AI-driven erosion of the web, and a splintering of social media, many publishers have realized that they need to build stronger, more direct relationships with their communities, and that they can’t trust social media companies to be the center of gravity of their brands and networks. For them, owning their own website has regained its importance, together with building unique experiences that help differentiate them, and allow them to publish stories on their own terms. These are truly indieweb principles, and serve as validation (if validation were needed) of the indieweb movement’s foundational assumptions.

But ultimately it’s not about business, or technology, or any one technique or facet of website-building. As Tantek says, it’s about building a social internet of people: a human network of gloriously diverse lived experiences, creative modes of expression, community affinities, and personalities. The internet has always been made of people, but it has not always been people-first. The indieweb reminds us that humanity is the most important thing, and that nobody should own our ability to connect, form relationships, express ourselves, be creative, learn from each other, and embrace our differences and similarities.

I’m deeply glad it exists.


Also posted on IndieNews

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Meridian finds places based on a user’s latitude and longitude - and is open source and distributed. Useful for all kinds of purposes, not least indieweb checkin apps.


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There’s no substitute for having the primary copy of your work being in a space you control (and, ideally, own.)

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‪I haven’t seen any team applications yet. But there’s still time. ‬

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Media companies should own their websites + audience relationships. , I want to see your applications.

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If they're capturing social media handles on popular, large sites, there seems like an obvious workaround.

· Statuses · Share this post being held up as an example of a great personal website. It's beautiful. Inspiringly organic.

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This cat posts what she eats on her very own website.

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This is a big list of decentralized web technology. I wish Urbit wasn't listed, but otherwise: cool!

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Super-fun to see a Known to Mastodon integration demoed at Summit. Really proud of this open source community.

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Not quite true that some content types won't work on @Medium. Embedmaker lets you embed your own site:

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Four years ago, I came to this event to demo something called Idno.

Four years later, Known is such a great community. I'm really proud to be back.

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Extremely cool. Here's the entire social graph of independent websites as queryable data.

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What's out there? @schnarfed built a web crawler in 15 lines of code and found 706K social connections between independent sites.

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New to me: Common Crawl does a regular public crawl of the web and makes the data available to everyone.

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Worth saying: if you're helping people own their own content and monetize on their own terms, we should talk.

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"There isn't a good funnel I can push people into." @anomalily making a very good case for much easier, friendlier resources.

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