[Vanessa Thorpe in The Guardian]
“Art is about reaching out. So I think it’s wrong to allow one strata of society to have the most access.”
This is an older article, but it resonated with me so much that I wanted to share it immediately.
This is so important, and a sign of what we've lost:
“I went [to art school] because the government of the day paid for me to go and I didn’t have to pay them back. There was a thrusting society then, a society that tried to improve itself. Yes, of course, it cost money. But so what? It allowed people from any kind of background to learn about Shakespeare, or Vermeer.”
A culture where only the rich are afforded the space, training, and platform to make art is missing the voices that make it special.
The same goes for other spaces: newsrooms where only the wealthy can serve as journalists cannot accurately represent the people who depend on it. Technology without class diversity is myopic. Above all else, a culture of rich people is boring as hell.
Art school - like all school - should be free and available to everyone. It's tragic that it's not. We all lose out, regardless of our background.
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© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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