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Candi Miller Died Afraid to Seek Care Amid Georgia’s Abortion Ban

[Kavitha Surana at ProPublica]

"When the mother of three realized she had unintentionally gotten pregnant in the fall of 2022, Georgia’s new abortion ban gave her no choice. Although it made exceptions for acute, life-threatening emergencies, it didn’t account for chronic conditions, even those known to present lethal risks later in pregnancy."

This story - alongside Amber Nicole Thurman's - shows that the abortion bans really are leading to preventable deaths.

"Miller ordered abortion pills online, but she did not expel all the fetal tissue and would need a dilation and curettage procedure to clear it from her uterus and stave off sepsis, a grave and painful infection. In many states, this care, known as a D&C, is routine for both abortions and miscarriages. In Georgia, performing it had recently been made a felony, with few exceptions."

As Kavitha Surana points out, abortion bans haven't actually led to a decrease in abortions. Instead, they've made them harder and significantly riskier. It's a worse situation all round. Deaths like these are senseless: a tragedy at the hands of a fundamentalist ideology with no basis in science.


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