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Facebook Boosts Viral Content as It Drops Fact-Checking

[Craig Silverman at ProPublica]

Let the attention dollars flow:

"Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg also said in January that the company was removing or dialing back automated systems that reduce the spread of false information. At the same time, Meta is revamping a program that has paid bonuses to creators for content based on views and engagement, potentially pouring accelerant on the kind of false posts it once policed. The new Facebook Content Monetization program is currently invite-only, but Meta plans to make it widely available this year."

This combination very obviously incentivizes bad actors to make the most viral content possible, whether it's truthful or not.

For example:

"“BREAKING — ICE is allegedly offering $750 per illegal immigrant that you turn in through their tip form,” read a post on a page called NO Filter Seeking Truth, adding, “Cash in folks.”"

That post is a hoax, and Facebook's existing fact checking had meant it had been demonetized. The page owner is quoted as being delighted that fact checking is ending. Thousands others like it doubtless agree.


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© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0