I love this!
There’s one thing I disagree with in your list, and one from the original, that I think is worth unpicking:
1. “Learn a bit of HTML.” I don’t think that should be necessary; a world where anyone who publishes is using HTML isn’t achievable or even necessarily desirable. And it creates a situation where people with technical skills have elite status over people that don’t.
2. “Make tools for yourself.” The premise is flawed. Made-up personas are certainly a bad idea, and creating software without having a user in mind is also terrible. But if we all just build for ourselves, the result is software for technical people. That’s kind of boring, but also counter to the mission of the indieweb as I see it. Instead, I’d propose: “Make tools for real people you care about.” That could be you; it could be your partner, or your family, or a community you want to support. It turns indieweb into an outward-facing, open endeavor instead of an introverted one, while staying true to the ideal of building for real people.
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© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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