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< Archive / 2023

September, 2023

What Elon Musk's X is getting right

Credit where credit's due. ...
September 29, 2023

Every company is a community

If your community tells you your strategy is wrong, believe them. ...
September 28, 2023

Unions work

The WGA's win may pave the way for more. ...
September 27, 2023

Parenting in the age of the internet

I'm a little bit worried about doing it right. ...
September 26, 2023

Trying out Kagi

As an experiment, I’m trying out Kagi as my default search engine, switching from Google (no link required; they’re probably behind you right now). I like the idea of an ad-free experience: a paid-for engine puts the incentives in the right place. But it’s got to be about more than ideology. ...
September 25, 2023

Subscribing to the blogs of people I follow on Mastodon

It’s no surprise to anyone that I prefer reading peoples’ long-form thoughts to tweets or pithy social media posts. Microblogging is interesting for quick, in-the-now status updates, but I find myself craving more nuance and depth. Luckily, Blogging is enjoying a resurgence off the back of movements like the Indieweb (at ...
September 25, 2023

Long-term blogging

Tracy Durnell celebrates 20 years of blogging: A blog is a much nicer place to publish than social media, sparking fewer but more meaningful interactions. Blogging allows writers a more forgiving pace with slower conversation. On their blog, people can be themselves instead of playing to an audience and feeling judged ...
September 23, 2023

The worst part of writing is writing

I’ve been neck-deep in a long-form first draft for months; at this point I’m many tens of thousands of words in. Every time I look back at my writing from tens of thousands of words ago, it’s a horrible mistake that opens up floodgates of self-questioning. How could I possibly ...
September 23, 2023

AI is not a paradigm shift. But it could be useful

The technology hype cycle is exhausting. ...
September 22, 2023

I'm going to keep using Zapier for my link blog

The way my link blog works is like this: I save an article, website, or book I thought was interesting to a database in Notion using the web clipper, together with a description and a high-level category. (These are Technology, Society, Democracy, and so on.) I also have a checkbox that ...
September 19, 2023

An update on Sup, the ActivityPub API

A little while back I shared an idea about an API service that would make it easy to build on top of the fediverse. People went wild about it on Mastodon and Bluesky, and I got lots of positive feedback. My startup experience tells me that it’s important to validate your ...
September 14, 2023

Bush's legacy

Did we learn the right lessons from 9/11? ...
September 11, 2023

An AI capitalism primer

How do you make money in AI? Who's doing it? ...
September 9, 2023

Some newsletter changes

I’m making some experimental updates to my newsletter: Starting next week, this newsletter will come in several flavors: Technology, Media, and Society: technology and its impact on the way we live, work, learn, and vote. Late Stage: personal reflections on living and surviving in the 21st century. The Outmap: new speculative and contemporary fiction. Most ...
September 9, 2023

In defense of being unfocused

A cross-functional approach isn't bad. ...
September 8, 2023

Press Forward brings much-needed support for local news

Local newsrooms need support today. They're getting some. ...
September 7, 2023

My technology thesis II

Here are my high-level technology values.   And when it comes to building and selecting technology: Always build the smallest, simplest thing you can. Start with the spark, not the fire. The only code you should ever build yourself is that which adds to your core value proposition. The cloud is incredibly useful, but some ...
September 6, 2023

My technology thesis

My technology thesis is this: All technology should punch up, not down. It should connect the disconnected. It should empower the disempowered. It should inform the uninformed. It should empower communities that historically have been underrepresented and underserved. It should help people with similar needs and values to organize together in order to improve ...
September 6, 2023

The racist would-be CEO king

You’ve all heard about Elon Musk blaming the Anti-Defamation League for the erosion of Twitter/X’s value over the last year. Advertising revenue is down by 60%. This, of course, has nothing at all to do with the precipitous rise in hate speech on the platform since Musk took it over, to ...
September 5, 2023

Building a wide news commons

Let's support tightly-focused, independent newsrooms. ...
September 5, 2023

I don't want my software to kill people

Open source licenses fall short of modern needs. ...
September 4, 2023

The notable list: September 2023

Notable links, books, and media from the last month. ...
September 1, 2023

© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0