"There are a lot of Latino voices in San Jose. It's like they're right next door to Disneyland but they can't get in." #dmlrealtalk #tech
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Loving @amyburvall's conference notes. Is that a graphics tablet, or just phone / iPad drawings? #dmlrealtalk
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It's not just about edu funding - it's about creating and getting access to better networks between people and orgs. #dmlrealtalk #dml2015
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Talk of @mattervc - which is a fantastic intersection between tech entrepreneurship and values-based media. #dmlrealtalk #dml2015
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"We have seen a lot of interesting action around [Bay Area] gentrification." All agree: much more needs to be done. #dmlrealtalk
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The Hive Bay Area is worth supporting - and local tech companies should get on board. http://bayareahive.org/ #dmlrealtalk
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So cool. #TheMixatSFPL is a digital media lab for SF youth - at the public library. http://bavc.org/event/mix-sfpl #dmlrealtalk #dml2015
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Do Now had to fight to let students use their devices in the classroom. (Q: What about students that don't have devices?) #dmlrealtalk
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KQED's Do Now promotes civic discourse online. Participation ranges from tweets to video poetry. http://blogs.kqed.org/education/category/do-now/ #dmlrealtalk
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"It's cool to think that our audience might be the rest of the world." @BayMediaNetwork giving young people a voice. #dmlrealtalk #dml2015
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Even my beloved Edinburgh Festivals don't have anything quite like @BayMediaNetwork. So cool. #dml2015 #dmlrealtalk
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Bay Area Youth Media, including its festival, is exciting. I really want to get involved. http://www.baymn.org/ #dml2015 #dmlrealtalk
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BAVC's Bridges Fellowship is an entrepreneurship-focused program for bay area kids. http://www.bavc.org/bridgesfellowship #dml2015 #dmlrealtalk
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An all-girl game design class, for kids who might not have those opportunities. Awesome. https://www.bavc.org/summer-girl-game-academy #dml2015 #dmlrealtalk
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From marketing to organization, through the science itself, #TeenScienceNight was a kid-powered experience. So cool. #dml2015 #dmlrealtalk
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Having few adults involved (no parents allowed) made #TeenScienceNight an authentic experience. Kids had ownership. #dmlrealtalk #dml2015
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"People learn science in a way that's really empowering. [...] You're not doing it for a grade. You're doing it for yourself." #dmlrealtalk
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Teen Science Night at the Cal Academy - an astonishing space in itself - was created by youth for youth. #dmlrealtalk #dml2015
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© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0