Nice to hear a Republican candidate defending a broad range of members. #gopdebate
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The #GOPdebate is so far outside the America I know it's surreal. Happy to be surrounded by tolerance, diversity & people of many cultures.
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Nellie the journalist packed her trunk
To join the media circus
All she filed from the #gopdebate
Was Trump, Trump, Trump
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Kudos to Rubio for mentioning his #indieweb domain at the end of his closing statement. Politicians know you need your own site. #GOPdebate
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Bing! That tone means 10 points to Cruz for mentioning Reagan. #GOPdebate
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If America wants to lead the world, here's how:
Be the most democratic.
Be the most sustainable.
Show the way to the future.
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25% of Americans don't consider climate change to be a serious problem. That's actually massive progress. 75% do! #GOPdebate
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Now curious about the #GOPdebate's position on Upton Sinclair's The Jungle.
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Future-facing progressive policies to consider:
Equalized paternity and maternity leave
Transparent salaries
Universal voting
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Fun to hear the #GOPdebate candidates tackle "socialism" head on. I grew up with socialized healthcare & benefits. Was pretty great!
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Cruz: "the lie is that the Republicans are the party of the rich". They're actually the party of higher taxes, lower growth. #GOPdebate
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Sure. Regulation caused the banking crisis, and not the removal of crucial safeguards. I buy that. #GOPdebate
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Ridiculous to think of one nation as leading the world when everyone can communicate, everyone can work together. #GOPdebate
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The idea that the United States is the leader of the world is offensive. The way the world progresses is *together*. #GOPdebate
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"We can't continue to be the policeman of the world." And most of the world doesn't want you to be. #GOPdebate
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The threat of Islamic terrorism, statistically, is orders of magnitude lower than the threat of domestic Christian terrorism. #GOPdebate
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Pff, what did Adam Smith know about capitalism #GOPdebate
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So far I'm agreeing with Rand on military spending and Trump on the awfulness of the #TPP. Shame they're both racists, really. #GOPdebate
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Things I would like as a small business entrepreneur:
Universal healthcare +
Progressive taxation =
Peace of mind while we grow
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It's sickening to talk so dismissively about taking care of disadvantaged people in our society when we pay so much to war. #GOPdebate
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Personally? I'm pro-infrastructure, but the (huge) amount of tax that goes to the military makes me sad. Let's talk about *that*. #GOPdebate
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A flat tax rate is only fair if you don't consider the marginal value of income. Progressive tax is fairer, more sustainable. #GOPdebate
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Pretty sure Fiorina's "Obamacare isn't working" is code for "some people aren't making quite as much money". #GOPdebate
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I'm all for a free market in healthcare. Just like I believe in a free market for roads, police, and the military. #GOPdebate
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"The secret sauce of America is innovation and entrepreneurship." Spot the candidate from Silicon Valley. #GOPdebate
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© Ben Werdmuller
The text (without images) of Werd I/O by Ben Werdmuller is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0